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Ae galera. Ta começando a chegar nas principais lojas de suplementos uma massa chamada Goliath da Syntrax !

O diferencial dessa massa é que ela é formada com os melhores carboidratos , nao tem maltodextrina e é formada pelas melhores gorduras e também queimadores da mesma como CLA e etc.

Portanto a proposta dessa massa seria ganhar um peso vizando a qualidade, vizando a massa magra, certo?

Será que isso é possivel? Tomar uma massa ''calórica'' e ao mesmo tempo conseguir perder gordura e ganhar apenas massa magra?



Editado por ¯¯²--- LeO ---²¯¯

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Sei não.. olha á tabela.. gordura saturada = 9g, gordura total = 18g, colesterol = 205mg, sódio = 170mg, açucar = 57 g, fibra = 0, etc.. não tá c/ cara disso não. De qq forma melhor aguardar a opinião de alguém q. manja mais, a minha é de leigo ^^

Editado por walgoth

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Bora galera quem comprar esse produto fazer um depoimento se é boa vale a pena a galera ver no bodybuilding se tem algum depoimento quanto custa esse suplemento ??

Comentarios em ingles dessa massa :

When we set out to develop a calorie dense weight gainer, we were compelled to “shoot for the stars.” Our goal was to produce something extraordinary; something awesome in nature and quality. We wouldn’t settle for a formula that was chocked full of fat-inducing maltodextrin, we wouldn’t settle for artificial sweeteners, we wouldn’t compromise on the quality of the proteins, fats or carbohydrates and we wouldn’t accept anything but the very best in terms of mouth feel and taste. To put it bluntly, we were looking for a weight gainer that would be of colossal power and achievement…a Goliath amongst the ordinary. Goliath is centered around the proprietary and patent-pending protein source called Colostrim.

This milk/whey-derived protein is specially processed so that all of the most potent protein fractions contained in milk are isolated and contained in this one ingredient. Colostrim contains an unusually high percentage of small peptide protein fractions such as lactoferrin as well as potent growth factors like IGF-1. Colostrim is unlike other protein sources in that it initiates noticeable increases in lean body mass while simultaneously suppressing the accumulation of body fat. To round out the formula and ensure extended blood values of amino acids, we added sustained release micellar casein and egg albumin. We weren’t satisfied with Goliath just having the best protein. We knew that we also needed an incredible and special fat source. We could have just added inferior fats (like soybean or palm oil); however, there is nothing particularly healthy about these types of fats and they have a tendency to drastically increase adipose deposition. On the contrary, Goliath contains a specific ratio of high oleic acid sunflower oil (similar to olive oil) as well as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and phosphatidylserine (PS). Together, these lipids support health and well being and actually have a tendency to promote a lean, lithe body.

Finally, Goliath contains an anabolic carbohydrate blend consisting of all natural dehydrated cane juice, palatinose and trehalose. This blend is designed to contain both slow and fast acting carbohydrates so that blood insulin and glucose levels are maintained steadily over an extended period of time. Energy values are maintained at high levels and carbohydrate-induced adipose tissue is kept at a minimum.

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