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Posts postados por jeffmonson200

  1. Não acredito que Louis nocautearia o Ali, mas não acho que o Ali conseguiria ser dominante contra o Louis. No fim das contas acho que seria uma luta apertada na decisão talvez com uma vantagem pro Ali na maioria dos rounds pela maior evergadura, talvez o jab dele funcionasse mais e velocidade. Vejo Ali acertando muito jabs, sendo pego por alguns contra-golpes que o Louis era bom nisso mas Ali ficando de pé, e uma decisião apertada no final.

    a vantagem se da pura e simplesmente pelo quesito movimentacao

    o boxe no periodo do louis era mais estatico se comparado com a época do ali

    pelo jogo de pernas e pela movimentacao talvez ali levasse vantagem

  2. Nobre o hater do Arona! Pronto falei.... kkkkkkkk

    Po n consigo considerar o Glover vencendo o arona no sub, no mma eu o vejo como favorito, mas consido enxergar possibilidades do Arona vencer, resumindo no mma 65-35 Glover no sub 75-25 Arona

    se dar um parecer é ser hater do arona entao me desculpe.....preciso mudar de país logo.....kkkkkk

  3. ele pegou o audley harrison esses tempos, esse tinha pedigree (ouro olimpico). detonou igual aos outros.

    de qualquer jeito, falta ele pegar um melhorzinho mesmo. tem vários refugos dos klitschko que seriam bons testes pra ele, chisora, fury (que vão lutar), thompson (divisor de águas da categoria), entre outros. mas pelo jeito só querem inflar o cartel dele mesmo, dar um que já perdeu do campeão seria arriscado. acho que vencendo o stiverne agora (melhor que qualquer um que ele já pegou), deve lutar pelo cinturão.


    o audley harrison a meu ver só fez papelão como profissional

    se esperava muito dele mas ele nao mostrou como pro nem uns 10 por cento de quando era amador

    haye capotou ele facil e sem esforço algum e com o deontay nao foi diferente

    esse hype todo em cima do deontay se deve ao fato dele ser comparado tambem ao savon em alguns aspectos(se vc ver os comentarios em ingles das lutas dele em pequim 2008 vai ver que os narradores mencionam isso direto) e como nao poderia deixar de ser criou-se expectativas dele no profissional

    como disse eu acho que ele tem tudo pra reinar com os dois pés nas costas se quiser pois falta adversario de nivel pra ele ja que nao é de hoje que a categoria dele nao é mais o supra sumo do boxe perdendo o bastao pra categoria da barbie marrom

  4. a espn simulou alguns duelos

    How would Ali have fared against other heavyweight greats?

    How would Muhammad Ali have fared against the likes of Jack Dempsey and Mike Tyson? Graham Houston explores.

    Muhammad Ali might have been the greatest heavyweight of them all, but that doesn't necessarily mean he would have beaten every other heavyweight champion.

    It's true that styles make fights, as Ken Norton -- who is not considered a great heavyweight -- showed in his three tough, close fights with Ali.

    Size comes into play, as well. Some of the modern heavyweights would have been much bigger than Ali.

    Ali's greatest assets, of course, were speed, reflexes and mental and physical toughness. His former physician, Dr. Ferdie Pacheco, once remarked to me: "Ali showed you can be tough without a face that looks like it's been through a meat grinder."

    Ali also had a quality that the great ones possess in that he could find a way to win. Could he have found a way to beat everyone, though? Let's look at mythical matchups between Ali and five heavyweight champions.

    For the purposes of this exercise, we will take as our model the Ali who destroyed Cleveland "Big Cat" Williams in three rounds in what is generally considered the most dramatic demonstration of his punishing artistry.

    Ali vs. Jack Dempsey


    The size disparity would have been pronounced in this contest. Dempsey was really just a cruiserweight by today's standards, at around 192 pounds, which means he would have been giving away some 20 pounds to the Ali of the Cleveland Williams fight.

    True, Dempsey annihilated Jess Willard and Fred Fulton, both 6-foot-6, but these old-time fighters had nowhere near Ali's speed and fluid boxing skills -- there was simply no comparison. Dempsey had problems with the smart-boxing Tommy Gibbons and, admittedly late in his career, was twice basically outclassed by the scientific Gene Tunney, the long count of the rematch notwithstanding.

    Verdict: Ali vs. Dempsey would have been a mismatch, with the old Manassa Mauler being confused, outsmarted, outboxed and outclassed.

    Ali vs. Joe Louis

    I consider Louis the greatest of all heavyweight champions in terms of physical tools. He was a superb fighting machine. At about 6-foot-2 and 200 pounds, he would have been the smaller man in the ring, but he would also have been the puncher in the fight. Louis might have been able to put heavy pressure on Ali -- moving in behind the jab, getting off with sharp, hard hooks and right hands, especially if Ali went to the ropes. One must think back to Louis' first fight with the smaller Billy Conn, though, when he was clearly outboxed for 12 rounds before winning in the 13th. Ali would have been able to avoid sustained punishment by moving this way and that, and his snaking left jab and crisp rights, backed up by some well-judged combinations, would have scored points.

    Verdict: Ali by decision in a grueling fight.


    Ali vs. Rocky Marciano

    Marciano won the famous computer fight against Ali, but the real thing would have been very different.

    one doubts Marciano's durability, heart, fantastic conditioning and heavy hitting. He would keep coming, and he was almost impossible to discourage, but the Brockton Blockbuster would have been a cruiserweight today, under 6 feet and weighing less than 190 pounds. Ali would have towered over him.

    I think Ali would just have been too big, too fast and too skilled for Marciano, who usually needed to win by attrition, boring forward and breaking down the clever boxing types. Marciano would not have had the chance to inflict the damage necessary to slow down Ali, and it's easy to visualize the Rock having to take a lot of punches and perhaps suffering cuts. (True, the aggressive, shorter Joe Frazier beat Ali in 1971, but Frazier applied a faster type of pressure than Marciano, while Smokin' Joe was also a bigger man physically, about 15 pounds heavier than Rocky.)

    Verdict: Ali by decision or late stoppage.

    Ali vs. Mike Tyson


    Would Ali have been able to weather Mike Tyson's early assaults?

    This would have been a fascinating fight. Tyson -- the 21-year-old version -- had the Joe Frazier type of attacking speed, and Tyson's punches were fast when he was at his best. Although he would have been giving up five inches in height to Ali, he was more powerful physically, and at about 218 pounds he would have been a bit heavier.

    For the first four, five or six rounds, Tyson would have given Ali a desperate struggle. He would have been going at him hard, and Ali could not have avoided all the shots. Tyson's left hook might well have put Ali down -- certainly Ali would have been rocked and staggered. Ali's many admirers would have been very, very worried.

    Eventually, though, Ali's cool boxing brain and his character would have pulled him through. He might have been obliged to hang on to get through some rough moments, but Ali's superior will and greater mental stamina would come into play. He would probably talk to Tyson: "Boy, you're getting tired now -- you're in trouble."

    There is a good chance that Tyson would have started to unravel as Ali came back at him with jabs, right hands and combinations, in effect bullying the bully. In the later rounds, Tyson would have been wishing he were somewhere else, while the crowd would have been joyously chanting: "Ali, Ali, Ali."

    Verdict: Ali by decision or late stoppage

    Ali vs. Lennox Lewis


    Lennox Lewis' stiff jab and lethal right hand might've been too much for Ali to deal with.

    Size, styles and psychology would all have played a big part in this fight.

    Lewis, while not nearly as fluid or as fast as Ali, was a very big heavyweight at 6-foot-5 and around 245 pounds. Ali would have been the small man in the fight.

    Ali's taunting of an opponent, the undermining of the other man's confidence, might not have worked against Lewis, who had a sort of professional remoteness.

    Ali would have needed all his skill, moving Lewis around, seeking to get off first with the jab, darting in to score and sliding out, scoring in bursts. He did this and made it look easy against 6-foot-6 Ernie Terrell, but Lewis was a much bigger-framed, technically superior fighter and clearly a bigger puncher than the long and lanky Terrell.

    Lewis' long-reaching left jab could have given Ali problems, and his right hand would have been a threat throughout the bout. Lewis, steady and calculating, would have been confident in his size and power and wouldn't have been intimidated. He could have timed his left hand, enabling him to match jabs with Ali. Lewis might even have outjabbed him, as Ken Norton was able to do.

    Ali would have had to take some solid right hands, and his fake wobble wouldn't have rattled Lewis, who would simply have waited for an opportune moment to unload another thudding shot.

    It's doubtful that Lewis would have lunged off-balance in his attempts to land the right; he would have held the center of the ring and waited for Ali to take risks.

    In terms of style, and always bearing in mind the size difference, I think that the much bigger Lewis might have been completely wrong for Ali.

    Verdict: Lewis on points in a tactical match without many thrills.


  5. queria saber mais de inglês pra entender esse video inteiro

    cus damato entendia muito de boxe, pelo jeito ele achava que o louis venceria. alguém aí arrisca a dizer como seria essa luta? seria um confronto de estilos, boxe classico contra moderno. opinião de um semi-leigo aqui: acho que o ali seria favorito, louis não era de botar tanta pressão/cortar ringue como um frazier da vida, ponto chave pra vencer o ali.

    ele achava nao .... o véinho tinha eh certeza absoluta....kkkkkkkk

  6. Também acho que o Ali venceria...


    fica dificil de se supor ate porque sao epocas diferentes

    seria a mesma coisa de que vc colocasse num jogo o real madrid do di stefano contra o real do hugo sanchez(anos 80) ou o do zidane(anos 2000)

    essas comparacoes sao complicadas apesar de serem estimulantes pra imaginacao mas eu nao sei nao se ali venceria joe louis numa luta ate porque ambos sao inovadores em suas respectivas epocas

    ate porque ali copiou muita coisa do louis

    joe louis foi um boxeador inovador pra sua epoca

    tanto que o meu tecnico de boxe(meu primeiro e unico sempre....rrsss, ele ja é um senhor)quanto o newton campos acham que o ali foi formidavel mas pra eles nao houve um cara como o joe louis

    ele tinha uma caracteristica copiada pelo ali nao tecnicamente falando.....quando ele batia e percebia que o adversario ia cair nocauteado ou simplesmente caia acusando o golpe ele apenas observava e nao agredia seu oponente assim como ali fez com o foreman em 1974 no zaire

    lutadores daquele periodo e ate anteriores como marciano , dempsey , etc simplesmente nao sossegavam enquanto o adversario estivesse apagado no ringue

    com o joe louis era completamente diferente

  7. Nunca acredtei em Wilder, continuo cético com esse cartel inflado dele e sem conteúdo de nível alto. Ele não vai poder ser tão descuidado quando atacada como é contra o Stiverne.

    Quase nada dele foi realmente testado ainda, ele lógico provou que é melhor que todos os adversários que ele ganhou até agora. Agora, quando pegar um top 10 a coisa muda, ou vai ser um choque de realidade grande pra ele... ou não.

    independentemente de concordar ou nao contigo vitor quando vc colocou :

    - que ele é melhor que os adversarios

    - que se ele pegar um top10 pode ser que a coisa mude de figura

    ate ai eu acho que o cenario permanece o mesmo pra ele porque a categoria em que ele se encontra esta com escasses de nomes de peso

    por exemplo - nos anos 90 nem pra ir muito longe ainda tinhamos bons nomes na categoria.

    me aponte 10 nomes hoje? ou seja a chance dele se quiser reinar absoluto e com um pé nas costas é bem grande

    nao se tem adversarios de nivel pra menos por enquanto....é assim que eu vejo

    por isso que ele sobra

  8. Da hora vcs falando sobre esse cara...Ainda mais pra quem não conhece quase nada de boxe olímpico igual eu. Vou até ver umas lutas dele.

    E o Rigondeaux...Vcs acham que dá pra comparar com ele?


    ele é da mesma escola mas é de uma geração diferente

    ele é o principal nome da geração dele - gamboa, solis, barthelemy que foi a ultima grande geração de cubanos boxeadores

    se gosta de boxe cubano preste atençao nesse nome - felix mario savon - filho felix

  9. Cara, nem sabia desse sparring do Ali com o Visotsky, vlw mesmo pelo vídeo!

    upei esse torrent do rutracker - eu ja tenho ele baixado e completo

    que tem toda a carreira do ali num total de 46 gb - totaliza cerca de uns 18 a 20 dvds

    nesses dvds tem o sparring do visotsky que postei o video pra ti

    se quiser baixar ta o torrent no link abaixo[].t1083200.torrent

    alguns caps do dvd



  10. vi uma vez o depoimento do jair sobre essa luta

    ele ressalta que o stevenson era um homem bom , de coracao enorme

    em relacao ao nocaute ele disse que foi a pior sensacao que ele teve na vida pois nunca tinha visto ninguem com uma pegada daquela

    o problema da bomba do stevenson era o efeito dela nos oponentes.....só de ver o jeito como eles se comportam é estarrecedor

    comentam muito que o shavers batia forte mas duvido que ele batia mais forte que o stevenson

    ninguem pegava como ele

  11. Duas vezes, uma por nocaute. Não sei muito sobre o Visotsky além da reputação, mas ou ele tinha o estilo pra ganhar do Stevenson, ou era um talento fenomenal também.

    E ele perdeu mais, tem no youtube a luta dele contra o Francesco Damiani (que virou um pro muito bom depois) em um mundial e ele perdeu pro Damiani.

    As duas coisas....foi o principal nome do boxe russo nos anos 70.

    outro que tive a chance de conhecer pessoalmente em 2002 quando fomos

    num congresso na europa

    quando ele perdeu pro damiani ja estava na fase final de feira diga-se de passagem

    tem um sparring demonstracao dele com o ali em moscou realizado no final dos anos 70

    cartel amador visotsky