X-Vids 0 Posted March 14, 2006 (edited) Estávamos todos aqui torcendo pro VT estourar de vez no cenário mundial e agora temos que torcer é pra não acabar de vez... Tanto o Pride quanto o UFC estão envolvidos em situações delicadas, pra não dizer catastróficas, por um fio para não serem degolados. Resumindo as histórias que estão fervilhando nos fóruns gringos... UFC O lance do UFC é em relação a concorrência, a criação do tal da IFL, a liga de MMA com times de lutadores, treinados pelo Renzo Gracie, Bas Rutten, Pat Miletich e Patrick Smith. Aparentemente o UFC teme a concorrência da nova liga e está tentando barrá-los nos tribunais, com processo por roubo de propriedade intelectual, pois um ex funcionário do UFC, responsável por pesquisas tipo IBOPE que conhecia os dados de audiência, por tipo de pessoa, faixa etária, classe econômica e talz foi trabalhar na IFL e o Dana White está acusando de levar informações confidenciais para a concorrência, mas é uma acusação que qualquer promotor dá risada pela falta de fundamenação e provas, é somente uma jogada legal que visa adiar a estréia do evento, pois este não pode acontecer enquanto o processo estiver sendo julgado. No entanto uma juiza já liberou o evento. A bomba estourou pq o Pat Miletich publicou recentemente uma carta que abre um processo contra o UFC, onde ele afirma ter recebido ligações do Dana White ameaçando-o por participar da IFL e chantageando dizendo que os lutadores do TEAM Miletich não iriam mais participar do UFC, vide Matt Hughes, Tym Silvia e vários outros e ainda que Dana pessoalmente estava contactando todas empresas ligadas ao MMA nos EUA ameaçando-os dizendo para não efetuarem negócios com o Miletich e muito menos com a nova IFL ou seriam cortados do UFC também. Inclusive estão anunciando o suposto desligamento do Matt Hughes do Team Miletich (não querem perder a estrela). Na carta ele também afirma que conversou com o Matt Hughes, Randy Couture e Ken Shamrock, sendo todos estes ameaçados também. A questão é que este tipo de política ameaçadora nos negócios nos EUA é caracterizado como monopólio, e com certeza dá cadeia e fecha empresas num piscar de olhos se ficar provado tudo isto. Cadeia pro Dana White e se brincar ainda leva junto os Irmãos Fertita, donos do UFC e de vários cassinos. Pride O incidente do Pride é referente ao Fedor, muitos devem se lembrar quando ele deixou o Pride e foi lutar no evento Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye em 2003, quando o cinturão ficou vago e o Mino adquiriu o tal Interim Belt. Supostamente a direção do DSE utilizou a Yakuza pra pressionar o K1 a não utilizar o Fedor em seu show de fim de ano, inclusive alguns membros da yakuza foram presos por este motivo nas últimas semanas, Sakamoto, alto figurão da yakuza e outros que ameaçaram a direção do K1 de morte e suas famílias. A bomba complicou pq um dos ameaçados, Kawamata, afirmou que foi obrigado a participar de uma reunião com vários membros altos da Yakuza e o próprio Sakakiraba, CEO do DSE. Nesta reunião afirmavam que o Sakakiraba era só testa de ferro e o real dono do Pride era a própria Yakuza. E ele levar o Fedor para a concorrência estava indo contra os interesses da Yakuza, sendo que até então Kawamata tinha boas relações com a máfia japonesa. De qualquer forma todos sabem que o K1 liberou o Fedor e ele retornou logo pro Pride de forma totalmente atípica. O problema é que agora querem investigar a origem de tanto dinheiro da bolsa dos lutadores e pode ser qeu vários grandes nomes sejam indiciados e presos, incluindo Sakakiraba e diretores da Fuji TV maior patrocinadora do Pride. Sem a Fuji TV que transmite o evento em tv aberta e sem o suposto dinheiro da Yakuza o DSE vai pro saco... Link da reportagem completa em Inglês, o resto da info tem em vários fóruns gringos http://www.fightopinion.com/2006/03/13/kaw...-weekly-gendai/ Edited March 14, 2006 by X-Vids Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X-Vids 0 Posted March 14, 2006 (edited) Antes que eu me esqueça a carta do Pat Miletich, infelizmente em Inglês, meio grande pra eu traduzir... mas resumi o básico... DECLARATION OF PATRICK MILETICH I, Patrick Miletich, declare as follows: 1. I am currently the President of Miletich Fighting Systems Corp., a mixed martial arts ("MMA") training facility, which is based in Iowa. I have personal knowledge of and am competent to testify to the facts set forth in this declaration. I make this Declaration in support of the Defendants' opposition to Plaintiff Zuffa, LLC's ("Zuffa") Motion for Preliminary Injunction in Zuffa, LLC v. International Fight League, Inc., et al., which is pending in the Eight Judicial District Court, Clark County, Nevada, Case No. A516841. 2. Since 1996 I have trained fighters in the world of mixed martial arts. Prior to opening my training facility in Iowa, I participated in many MMA organizational bouts and competitions throughout the world. In fact, in 1996 I became the Welter Weight World Champion and was able to hold that title for about 3 1/2 years. 3. Because of my reputation as a world-class MMA champion and trainer, my training facility currently has an enrollment of about 1,200 members, and I personally train about 40 professional fighters, several of whom are Champions, who fight in MMA organizations around the world, including the Ultimate Fighting Championship ("UFC"), and smaller organizations like PRIDE, Superbrawl, Extreme Challenge and King of the Cage. In addition, I regularly have several professional fighters that participate in almost every UFC event put on by Zuffa in the United States. 4. In or around Junr or July 2005, I recieved a call from Kurt Otlo. Kurt introduced himself to me and proceeded to pitch his (and Gareb Shamus') idea for the International Fight League ("IFL"). I was extremely excited about the IFL and its unique business concept because it would (a) provide a significant avenue for my fighters to fight and earn a living (which isn't easy) and (B) help establish additional notoriety and exposure of the MMA industry in the United States. 5. After numerous discussions with Kurt, I agreed to caoch a team of fighters from my gym who would participate in the IFL. Indeed, I am in the midst of training a team for the IFL's first pre-season event. I also told Kurt that he should call Monte Cox, a manager of prominent fighters in the MMA industry who also might be interested in assisting the IFL get off the ground by supplying additional fighters to the IFL. 6. In or around mid-January 2006 I attended a UFC show at the Hard Rock Cafe and Casino in Las Vegas called "Ultimate Fight Night" which was aired on SPIKE television. At the show I was joking around with Joseph Silva, the "Matchmaker" for the UFC. At one point I jokingly put my foot against his stomach like I was throwing a side-kick in slow motion. Dana White, Zuffa's President, was standing next to Mr. Silva when I did this. Observing my antics, Mr. White turned to me and said in a joking manner "Oooh! An IFL side-kick", which I took to mean that he could care less that I was going to be involved in the IFL and that he didn't think it was a big deal. Apparently, I was wrong. 7. Before the fights started at the Hard Rock Cafe and Casino I asked to speak with Mr. White alone. I said to Mr. White, "you know this [iFL] is going tobe good for the sport", to which he shook his head, smiled and said "yes". I really felt that it was important that he and I saw eye-to-eye on this matter. 8. In or around late Januray 2006, I recieved a call from Mr. White. During the conversation, Mr. White stated that he respected me both as a trainer and fighter, but then proceeded to express in a rather irate manner his feelings about the IFL and abruptly stated that "he was going to fucking crush these [the IFL] guys". Mr. White further made it clear to me that he was livid about losing Keith Evans to the IFL. 9. During this conversation I expressed to Mr. White my opinion (based on numerous conversations with individuals in the MMA industry) that a lot of people involved in MMA industry didn't very much care for him or the way Zuffa conducted its business and treated the individuals who fought at UFC events. In response, Mr. White stated that it "wasn't his fucking job to be liked". Mr. White further told me that he had spoken with the Fertittas (who own Zuffa), and they had given their "permission" to go after the IFL. 10. Mr. White further threatened me during the conversation, and implicitly the livelihoods of the fighters I train, stating that "when the dust settles, anyone associated with the IFL would not be associated with the UFC". I took this for what it was -- a threat to me and to my fighters who count on me to represent them and obtain opportunities to for them to fight in the MMA industry. Because of the virtual monopoly that Zuffa has in the MMA industry, Mr. White clearly knew that cutting me and my fighters off from the UFC would have a devastating economic impact. 11. Mr. White further told me during this conversation that he had been on the phone all day calling everyone he dealt with in the MMA industry and told me that, after speaking with all of them, none would be doing business with the IFL. My understanding from his comment was that he had made the same threats to everyone else he knew in the MMA industry that he had just made to me during our conversation. I attempted to tell Mr. White to calm down and tried to be rational with him. I expressed to Mr. White my opinion that the IFL was going to help the MMA industry and ultimately would increase the UFC's presence throughout the world. I further attempted to dissuade Mr. White from doing anything irrational with respect to the IFL (i.e., the lawsuit) and told him that I felt going after the IFL for no reason would be very bad for the entire MMA industry. Clearly, Mr. White could care less what I thought. 12. Following my conversation with Mr. White, Ken Shamrock, another world-renowned MMA fighter, called me and told me that Mr. White had just "raised hell" with him about his being associated with the IFL. As I understand it, Mr. White had made similar threats to Mr. Shamrock whom I believe at the time had an agreement with the IFL to coach one of its teams. I further understand that Mr. White made the same or similar threats to Randy Couture, perhaps one of the most legendary MMA fighters in the world and a former UFC World Champion. I further understand that Mr. White called a current UFC World Champion, Matt Hughes, to inquire of him whether he had any involvement in the IFL. 13. Knowing Mr. White the way I do, I can honestly say that Zuffa's intent is bringing this litigation has nothing to do with protecting any confidential information. Rather, I believe this litigation is about one thing and one thing only -- stamping out legitimate and, indeed, healthy, competition. I declare under penalties of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. EXECUTED on this 15th day of February, 2006 Patrick Miletich Edited March 14, 2006 by X-Vids Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X-Vids 0 Posted March 14, 2006 (edited) E a reportagem, entrevista do Kawamata explicando o lance do Pride e a Yakuza Kawamata talks to Weekly Gendai By Zach Arnold Seiya Kawamata, the man who filed the complaint with Kanagawa police about being threatened by the yakuza, had an interview/briefing with Shukan (Weekly) Gendai about the recent yakuza arrests. Kawamata names some big names and makes some direct accusations. Burning Spirit has more details (in Japanese). This is the top story in the publication, as the front page cover has a screaming headline in black text on yellow background. In the story, Kawamata gives his side as to what happened on the morning on 12/21/2003, the day before the infamous press conference (in which he addressed the media about Fedor and matchmaking). Kawamata alleges that DSE boss Nobuyuki Sakakibara was present at a meeting with him. In the article, Kawamata makes the claim that Sakakibara is just a figure-head for the yakuza. Additionally, the article claims that Nippon TV & Fuji TV knew about the yakuza involvement. The TV networks in response deny these charges. Fuji TV went a step further and claimed that they knew nothing about the matchmaking process, even though TV producer Kunio Kiyohara is creatively active (similar to how all the major TV producers are). The article also hints that the police are interested in dealing with people from the TV industry as well. Here is a translation of the article: ———————– Top Story: Scoop - N-TV (Inoki event) Producer’s Explosive Statements “Relations between TV broadcasters and yakuza” Summary headline: “He stole the fight and ran away overseas” was the way the event producer was characterized, but the reality was that he was threatened by the yakuza. The TV networks were involved in a war for TV ratings and would anything to get these. Who is the bad guy in all of this? “Ask a powerful yakuza for their help” Kawamata: “You know what the risk is of taking on Fuji TV and PRIDE’s headline fighter Fedor, don’t you? Yakuza will be involved. When I asked N-TV’s producer this question, he replied that “we should get an even stronger yakuza to ensure that Fedor can fight at our event.” N-TV will deny this, but it is the truth.” On February 24th, 2006, based on Seiya Kawamata’s criminal complaint, Sakamoto and two other top-ranking yakuza members from Yamaguchi-gumi were arrested. According to a national newspaper news reporter, “Sakamoto is a top-ranking yakuza even within the top ranks of the yakuza. After the event, Kawamata was summoned to a lonely place (restaurant) in Shizuoka he was told that Fedor was able to fight due to the efforts of the yakuza and that unless he paid 200 million yen for their services, they would kill him.” Until now, there has constantly been rumors of relations between the fight industry and the yakuza. As a result of this incident, this dark relationship between the yakuza and the fight industry has come out into the light of day. The above comment from Kawamata is taken from an exclusive interview of Kawamata by Tadashi Tanaka. This clear statement of a connection between the TV broadcaster and the yakuza will become a very important piece of evidence. Before we talk about Kawamata’s explosive revelations, let’s recall the events leading up to the Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye 2003 event. On New Year’s Eve of 2003, we were all enthralled by the war for ratings between the 3 major networks. N-TV had Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye 2003, TBS had Dynamite, and Fuji TV had PRIDE’s Otoko Matsuri (Man Festival). Inoki 2003 got an average rating of 5.1%, Dynamite got 19.5%, and PRIDE got 12.2. N-TV was a major disaster. In January of 2004, N-TV decided not to pay Kawamata the remaining 200 million yen that was due from the total of 800 million yen, and also to terminate the 3-year contract they had in place with him. In May of 2004, Kawamata took legal action against N-TV for these actions, and this matter is still before the courts. According to court documents, around October of 2003, N-TV approached Kawamata (who was at that time negotiating with Fuji TV for the New Year’s Eve event). N-TV offered Kawamata a 3-year contract and pleaded for Kawamata to work for them. Kawamata entered into a contract with N-TV for a 3-year term at 800 million yen for each New Year’s Eve event. However, the main fighter, Mirko Cro Cop, suddenly cancelled his appearance and Kawamata looked to book Fedor in his place. According to court documents, as a result of signing Fedor, Kawamata was subjected to strong pressure and various measures to stop him from allowing Fedor to fight at the event, and Kawamata explained all of these things in detail to N-TV’s event producer, Miyamoto. On January 1, 2004, as a result of Fedor’s appearance at the event, Sakamoto applied pressure to Kawamata to pay the demanded amount and following this pressure, Kawamata called Miyamoto and told him of all these matters. On January 3, 2004, Kawamata (without paying the fight money to various fighters) escaped overseas. In the fight industry, it was rumored that he was dead. In fact, Kawamata has been back in Japan secret since January of this year. Up until then, he didn’t tell anybody but he has been back to give evidence on January 19th, 2006, in his trial against Nippon TV. At that trial, he said the following: Wakuda (Kawamata’s lawyer): What did you say to N-TV about Fedor’s appearance at the event? Kawamata: I told Miyamoto that Fuji TV wants PRIDE to have Fedor appear as their main event and so, if Fedor fights at our event, the yakuza will become involved to pressure me not to allow Fedor to appear. Wakuda: In fact, were you actually pressured by the yakuza? Kawamata: I received calls to my mobile phone from the yakuza and I was ordered to attend a meeting to be held between the yakuza and also top management of DSE. Wakuda: That was a meeting to be held on December 21, 2003, which was to be held before the press conference scheduled to announce the full fight card for Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye 2003, right? Kawamata: Yes. At that meeting, there were a number of yakuza present and also Sakakibara from DSE, and also the person they call the real owner of DSE. I was held against my will at this meeting… Wakuda: They demanded that Fedor not fight? Kawamata: Of course. Kawamata was held against his will by yakuza other than Sakamoto and the other yakuza arrested. Sakamoto and his yakuza group were at this time on Kawamata’s side. They were negotiating with yakuza representing PRIDE. However, as soon as the event was over, Sakamoto and his group changed their attitude and started to attack Kawamata. Kawamata says, “I told the police the following. On December 12, 2003, I had a call from Sakamoto. I want you to meet with PRIDE people, and Sakakibara will be there as well. I knew Sakamoto and his yakuza group for around three years, and we were on good terms. On December 21, 2003, as ordered I waited with Sakamoto and his group in a Tokyo hotel and top-ranking yakuza came with Sakakibara to the meeting. When the high-level yakuza sat down he said to me, “Actually, we run PRIDE. We can’t go out into the public and that’s why we use Sakakibara as the figurehead. So what the hell are you doing taking our fighters!” Even though the agreed 30 minutes for this meeting had passed, I couldn’t leave my seat.” The name Sakakibara appears a number of times in Kawamata’s comments. This man is the main driving force behind PRIDE. Not only does he appear in fight-related programming, but he also often appears in variety programs. If it is true that he has used the yakuza or attended the meeting with yakuza present, then this is a major incident. In any event, Kawamata was one-hour late to the pre-arranged press conference that day. This press conference finished without the expected announcement of Fedor’s fight. However, this was not the only pressure applied. According to Tadashi Tanaka’s interview of Kawamata, Kawamata says, “On New Year’s Eve, PRIDE sent the yakuza to the event. The yakuza came to my hotel, the Kobe Okura. The yakuza demanded that I admit that DSE had the exclusive rights to Fedor. The yakuza said that regardless of whether DSE had a contract for Fedor or not, I would have to get the approval of DE before I could use any fighter which had appeared in PRIDE events. This is ridiculous, right? But they forced me to sign this. If I didn’t sign this, they said that all sorts of things could happen at the event that night.” Kawamata also said this to the police: “When you compare PRIDE events to other events, you can easily see that there are many more yakuza at PRIDE events. These days, even though the TV broadcasters should be concerned about this, Fuji TV’s producer explicitly said to me, “I know all about these things. But, Sakakibara handles them pretty well so everything is OK.” If this is true, then Fuji TV cannot deny that they knew about the yakuza involvement. A major name from the fight industry will be arrested In a revelation that is a major problem for N-TV, Kawamata says the following: “I told everything about the threats made to me by the yakuza to Miyamoto of N-TV. Of course, I told him. Miyamoto knew all about the intereference to the event and all of the troubles. When I was summoned to attend the meeting with the yakuza on December 21, 2003, I told him that to avoid trouble I will attend this meeting.” According to witness evidence of Miyamoto at the K-Confidence vs. N-TV trial, Miyamoto testified that “Kawamata did tell me that he was subject to pressure from PRIDE as soon as he signed Fedor. I heard a rumor that there was a lot of yakuza activity around this time.” This means that N-TV knew all about the yakuza activities and even so, they proceeded with the program and put all of the blame on Kawamata. According to the PR department of N-TV, “We have not heard anything about Miyamoto attending any meeting when there was yakuza present. And in relation to the allegation that he requested even stronger yakuza to intervene, we can say that we cannot imagine that he said anything like this. If we knew that yakuza were involved in this event, we would have cut relations with Kawamata.” In response to whether Fuji TV will take responsibility for its continued broadcast of PRIDE events, which are related to the yakuza, Fuji TV’s PV department said, “We retain DSE to take care of all matters related to the events and we do not know anything about the matchmaking process. As a result, we cannot make any comment in relation to the matter of responsibility.” According to DSE’s PR department, “Due to the existence of a legal dispute between Kawamata and N-TV, we do not want to make any comment. Mr. Sakakibara says that there is no truth to the accusation that he was present at any meetings with yakuza. Relations with those people is only a negative.” According to the president of a fight promoter, “I hear that the arrest person, Sakamoto, is part of a yakuza group which was originally behind Kawamata. However, at the end of Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye 2003, even though they were supposed to be on his side, this group began to threaten and extort Kawamata. Kawamata had no choice but to escape overseas. If DSE used the yakuza in negotiations, I can imagine that they had to pay a large amount of money to those yakuza. The TV networks knew all about these issues, but left the details to Kawamata and Sakakibara.” We can expect that the investigation will spread. According to a news and crime reporter from a major daily newspaper, “The police are now checking how the money from fight events was paid to the yakuza. The arrest of Sakamoto and his group is only the beginning of this matter, and we can expect that this investigation will spread a lot further. The police are expecting to arrest a major name from the fight industry.” If this is all fact, the background of the fight industry is indeed black. Edited March 14, 2006 by X-Vids Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TKDjustice Posted March 14, 2006 algum macho traduz ae pq eu num tenho coragem ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X-Vids 0 Posted March 14, 2006 algum macho traduz ae pq eu num tenho coragem ^^ Já resumi a história no começo pra não precisarem traduzir... ambos textos são muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuito longos!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TKDjustice Posted March 14, 2006 mas tradução seria mto mais legal ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gilmar o matador de lutadores 0 Posted March 14, 2006 por enquanto to tranquilo sou brasilieiro e aposto sempre na impunidade .rsssssssss Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marcos Lamenha 0 Posted March 14, 2006 Entendo sua preocupação, porém em ambos os casos nãovejo maiores complicações. No UFC, o Dana White é o manda-chuva, mas é um funcionario do evento... os donos mesmo são os irmãos italianos (esqueci o nome deles agora). Se esse problema com o Dana White se agravar, botam outro no lugar dele e o evento continua. Quanto ao Pride, todo mundo sabe, mas ninguem comenta abertamente, que a Yakuza tem efetiva participação no Pride, não sei se é a dona mesmo, mas tem uma influencia grande no Pride, principalmente na parte financeira. Eu ja ouvi esse lance da Yakuza desde 2001 e nao acreditava muito, mas tive a oportunidade de conversar com um lutador brasileiro que já lutou no Pride várias vezes (não vou dizer o nome por motivos óbvios) e ele me disse a seguinte frase: "A Yakuza é quem manda no Pride." Portanto tambem nao acredito que o Pride sofra qualquer ameaça por causa dessas informações divulgadas agora... isso não é nenhuma grande novidade. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Carlos Alexandre Posted March 14, 2006 Sempre desconfie que a Yakuza estivesse ligada ao Pride, isso só me vem a confirmar. O Pride seria uma especie de lavagem de dinheiro para mafia? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X-Vids 0 Posted March 14, 2006 Entendo sua preocupação, porém em ambos os casos nãovejo maiores complicações.No UFC, o Dana White é o manda-chuva, mas é um funcionario do evento... os donos mesmo são os irmãos italianos (esqueci o nome deles agora). Se esse problema com o Dana White se agravar, botam outro no lugar dele e o evento continua. Quanto ao Pride, todo mundo sabe, mas ninguem comenta abertamente, que a Yakuza tem efetiva participação no Pride, não sei se é a dona mesmo, mas tem uma influencia grande no Pride, principalmente na parte financeira. Eu ja ouvi esse lance da Yakuza desde 2001 e nao acreditava muito, mas tive a oportunidade de conversar com um lutador brasileiro que já lutou no Pride várias vezes (não vou dizer o nome por motivos óbvios) e ele me disse a seguinte frase: "A Yakuza é quem manda no Pride." Portanto tambem nao acredito que o Pride sofra qualquer ameaça por causa dessas informações divulgadas agora... isso não é nenhuma grande novidade. Torço pra que vc esteja certo! Mas atente-se a alguns detalhes, que com certeza se não fossem graves não teria tanto estardalhaço nos foruns gringos e na mídia especializada. UFC: O Dana White também é sócio do UFC, apesar de minoritário e representa oficialmente os irmãos Fertita. Por isso se perderem processo judicial de práticas comerciais ilegais e monópolio melam com o UFC inteiro. Caçam o direito de atuar como empresa. Pride: Já é mais complicado pq JÁ PRENDERAM o Sakamoto(alto escalão da Yakuza) com a acusação de ameaçar dirigentes do K1 no referido assunto. Resta saber se ele vai arrastar para o buraco junto dirigentes do DSE e da Fuji TV. E como pode ser lido na reportagem original isto está estampado como notícia principal da tal revista e em vários outros jornais. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
O Predestinado 0 Posted March 14, 2006 Se é pertinente ou não ao assunto eu não sei, mas, alguém sabe dizer porque o antigo dono/ dirigente do Pride cometeu suicídio? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PitBull 0 Posted March 14, 2006 essa do UFC é típico de americano... de querer monopolizar tudo... cambada de otário quanto ao pride, duvido acabar.... quem conhece backstage sabe que isso ja aconteceu antes, acontece e continuará acontecendo, o pride é da yakuza (ou pelo menos, a maior parte) ja 'suicidaram' um cara do pride porque ele tinha se rebelado contra a yakuza e colocaram o sakakibara.... e prenderem um, colocam outro... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TKDjustice Posted March 14, 2006 intao o Takada eh da Yakuza???uhsushsuhsuhs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magaxo 0 Posted March 14, 2006 Porra maluco esse lance da Yakuza aki no Japao eh foda... O antigo presidente se suicidou por motivos desconhecido...misterio a parte, ele pelo menos garfava menos os brazucas nos eventos em que ele presidentiava... Acho que se as coisas piorarem pro lado do Sakakibara ele tambem se suicida! Vale lembrar que a empresa do Antonio Inoki nunca mais promoveu nada aki no Japao chegando a falir este ano e deixando o Lyoto na mao...Essa porra aki eh foda. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marmanjo 0 Posted March 14, 2006 Eehhehe... Yakuza é foda. Qualquer dia temos a Yakuza no Brasil para pressionar o Wandeco a baixar a bolsa ;) Agora esse negócia de acabar o Vale Tudo é viagem completa. Se não for no Pride ou no UFC aparecem novos eventos. Se acabasse a UEFA ou a FIFA os jogadores de futebol iriam arrumar as botas? Não, enquanto houver público para assistir, há espectáculo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites