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Randy Couture's diet

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Randy Couture's diet

Over the past few days there's been a lot of interest about the nutritional program Randy used for his fight against Tito at UFC 44. A special thanks goes out to Joe Rogan for highlighting it during the broadcast Friday night.

Most of us may never have to fight in a cage for 25 minutes. But you can use these same principles to enhance the quality of your own life, by improving your endurance, performance and overall health.

Certain foods have either an acidic or alkaline effect on the body. For example, animal products, sugar, dairy and processed grains are all acid forming foods. On the other end of the spectrum, there are foods such as vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables, which have an alkaline effect. Since the stress of training is also acidic, our primary goal was to reduce the amount of acid build up in Randy's body so his body would be able to function more efficiently.

Our bodies regulate the pH of our blood and tissues closer than it regulates body temperature. We must maintain a slightly alkaline pH to survive. Hard training, stress, high protein or high sugar diets can cause an excessive build up of acid. While there are mechanisms in place to deal with this acid, when there is an overload, peak performance, energy and health will often suffer.

Three main areas were focused on to get Randy ready for his fight.

1. Increase the amount of energy rich live foods. In Vegas there was a trip to Whole Foods to keep things going for the week. It was important that Randy continue his program right up till fight night. After making weight he had a large green drink (Light Force Greens) and a generous amount of raw spinach and other greens.

2. Decrease the amount of acid forming foods. We had to do this without robbing him of getting all the nutrients he needed. There was a reduction in red meat and chicken and we increased Randy's consumption of fish, almonds and some beans. All dairy was eliminated as well.

3. The final component was to provide proper nutritional supplementation. It was decided that one of his carbohydrate replacement drinks and a few energy bars be eliminated. The decision to cut the drinks and bars was due to their high sugar content. Light Force Greens were used daily along with some flax seed oil.

By including more alkaline foods into his diet and reducing acid forming foods, Randy (and Kazuhiro Hamanaka from Takada Dojo who was training with us) felt better and experienced more energy. Believe it or not, Randy did not get tired at all in his fight with Tito. This is a testament to not only his nutrition but also his understanding and application correct training principles so he peaked at the right time.

Randy's diet included green vegetables with each meal. Almost every morning began with fresh vegetables and an alkalizing Light Force Green drink. Grilled fish, soba noodles, Ryan’s high energy pancakes, wheat grass shots and fresh vegetable juices and avocado on yeast free toast were also on the menu.

Here are a few things to try:

1. Start your day several times a week with fresh or lightly steamed veggies. Cucumber, broccoli, green peppers, spinach, kale are excellent choices. Randy preferred to spread hummus on his veggies to help them go down better.

2. Reduce the amount of red meat and poultry. If you do want to eat them, get them from an organic source. There are some great books written on how dirty and unhealthy the meat is in the country. It’s scary. Don’t sweat the protein issue, you need less than you may think. Eat seeds, fish and nuts and especially almonds.

3. Drink lots of water. You may need to drink about a gallon a day. Everyone is different and it depends on a number of factors from training to temperature.

4. Include water rich foods with each meal. (Back to the live foods again.)

5. Eliminate as much sugar from your diet as possible. Read labels, you'd be surprised where you'd find it. Soda is a major source of sugar and should be eliminates if possible.

6. Add an alkalizing greens supplement to your water a few times a day.

Randy used Light Force which is for sale in the store website.

There were other components to Randy training that were also unique. He received chiropractic care and massage daily in the three weeks prior to his fight and went into this fight with absolutely no aches or pains. This is almost unheard of in this sport. Some of the conditioning programs and workouts used by Team Quest will be featured in the Team Quest Conditioning Program that will be available in the next few weeks. Check back for updates.

Dr. Ryan Parsons

Part 2

I feel the same way you do about supplements Iceman, I feel it's just all these nutrition companies perpetuating lies inorder to create a demand for the sports nutrition market, by praying on peoples inadequacies about their physique, however despite this i am taking some egg protein every now and the only other supplement i take are one of those "green drinks" they're not really that necessary, but if you take something like organic barley grass, one tiny 3mg mg teaspoon is the equivalent of 8 servings of vegetables, so you can see that it could help you out, especially all those people who never freakin eat veggies, I've met heaps of people like that, Lol if you have the Mirko cro cop video he even admits in it to hardly ever eating vegetables. But there are alot of supplements out there and if you try them all you'll end up wasting a hell of alot of money, like the way i did. However "green drinks" are freakin good for you, IF you can clean your diet right up, if you still eat refined carbs, sugar and salt, its not goint to do jack all. Like these girls in my kickboxing gym who take hydroxy cut before they train and after training they eat all this junk food, even though they're vegetarians they still consume fries, orange juiced laced with sugar and refined white rice etc, so only if you clean your diet you'll get results.

Anyway I'm blabbing on about BS and getting of the topic, here's a list of the foods that are alkaline and acidic, hope it helps, if you've got anymore questions just ask, I'll do my best to help.

What are the guidelines of this diet?

An alkaline diet is composed of approximately 75% alkaline foods and 25% acid foods. The foods listed below are in descending order of alkalinity and acidity.

• Alkaline Foods -- 75% of diet

Vegetables -- Sea vegetables, burdock, lentils, onion, daikon, taro, sweet potato, kohlrabi, parsnip, garlic, kale, endive, mustard greens, ginger root, broccoli, potato, bell pepper, mushrooms, cauliflower, eggplant, pumpkin, collard greens, brussels sprouts, chives, cilantro, okra, squash, lettuce (Just to add on this basically all vegetables are allowed on this diet as long as it’s raw or lightly steamed)

Animal meat -- All seafood.

Fruit -- Limes, nectarines, persimmons, raspberries, watermelon, tangerines, grapefruit, cantaloupe, honeydew, citrus, olives, loganberries, mango, lemons, pears, avocado, pineapple, apples, blackberries, cherries, peaches, papaya, oranges, apricots, bananas, blueberries, currants, raisins, grapes, strawberries

Nuts, seeds, oils -- Pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, chestnuts, pepper, primrose oil, sesame seeds, almonds, sprouts, avocado oil, flaxseed oil, coconut oil, olive oil, other seeds, raw cashew nuts

Grains -- wild rice

Condiments -- mineral water, umeboshi plums, spices, herbs, green tea, , ginger tea, ghee

• Acidifying Foods -- 25% of diet

Dairy -- Processed cheese, ice cream, soymilk, cow's milk, aged cheese, soy cheese, cream

Animal meat -- Beef, pheasant, pork, veal, squid, lobster, chicken, lamb, boar, shellfish, goose, turkey, eggs, gelatin, organs, venison, duck

Grains -- All foods made from cereal grains including breads, breakfast cereals, crackers, pasta and rice. Barley, barley groats, corn, rye, oat bran, buckwheat, wheat, kamut, spelt, teff, semolina, white rice, millet, kasha, amaranth, brown rice. Avoid all refined flour products such as white bread, pasta, cakes, pies, cookies.

Legumes -- Legumes including beans, peas, lentils and peanuts.

Nuts, seeds -- All nuts. Hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts, pistachio seeds, pecans, palm kernel oil, almond oil, sesame oil, safflower oil, pumpkinseed oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, pine nuts, canola oil

Vegetables -- Soy beans, carob, green peas, peanuts, snow peas, carrots, tofu, pinto beans, white or red beans, azuki beans, lima beans, kidney beans, string beans, rhubarb

Fruit -- Fruits containing benzoic or oxalic acid including prunes, plums, cranberries, rhubarb and sour cherries.

Condiments -- Jam, jelly, table salt, yeast, sugar, chocolate, cocoa, white vinegar, nutmeg, coffee, saccharin, vanilla, black tea, alcohol, balsamic vinegar, curry, honey, maple syrup, rice vinegar. Also avoid chocolate milk, sodas, wine, alcohol. [/b]

Thanks phisker...couldn't be set any easier.

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interessante, so q ñ sei ler ingles!

alguem poderia fazer o favor de traduzir!?

Nao tenho tempo para traduzir tudo, mas em resumo é uma dieta para equilibrar o PH do organismo. É a primeira vez que ouço falar sobre este tipo de dieta. Segundo consta ajuda a dar um grande endurance ao lutador.

O principio é que o corpo necessita de um determinado equilibrio de PH para estar o mais eficaz e saudavel possivel. Os treinos fortes contribuem para a acidez so organismo. Logo a dieta baseia-se no consumo de alimentos mais alcalinos para contrabalancar o aumento da acidez provocado pelo treino.

Alguem ja tinha ouvido falar desta teoria?

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sim... a dieta dele se baseia na dieta gracie que já é conhecida por muitos... é isso aí pessoal, parece que o vovô aí tá aprendendo a se alimentar bem com os gracie!

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ele lutou contra o Tito no UFC 45!

e eu nao tenho saco pra dietas..

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:D entendi tudinh :lol: <_<

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